Pusat Pengetahuan, Komunikasi dan Teknologi, USM visit UUMIT

Pusat Pengetahuan, Komunikasi dan Teknologi, USM visit UUMIT

A delegation of 40 officers from USM visited UUMIT on 15th Julai 2018 to set a benchmark for the University's application system and to share experiences with UUMIT in developing and managing the systems. The visit was led by Encik Che Abdul Rashid Baba as the deputy director of Pusat Pengetahuan, Komunikasi Dan Teknologi (PPKT).

Discussions that been held intend to get information about implementation of the QR code, flow of application new system development, data computational & analitical and as well as network management that includes network infrastructure (wired, WiFi and network security).

Photo Gallery : https://goo.gl/ZVEu7H